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Respect for human rights

Respect for Human Rights

We believe that respecting the human rights of all stakeholders is our responsibility as a company, and we are working towards this throughout the entire Group.
Human rights issues related to global business activities have come more to the forefront in recent years, and this has accelerated the promotion of protections in international frameworks. In light of this global situation, we established a Human Rights Policy in FY2017 in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, revising it in 2023 in response to the growing importance of human rights issues. The Group appropriately responds to the potential impact of our business activities on human rights by eliminating behaviors that violate human rights, including forced labor and child labor, and by encouraging our suppliers to respect human rights as well.

DMC Group Human Rights Policy (established in January 2018, revised in January 2023)

Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

We understand the signifi cance of our corporate responsibility to promote the protection of human rights, to protect stakeholders' rights and individuality, and to provide a safe, secure and comfortable working environment.

The DMC Human Rights Policy conforms to international norms, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Responsibility for human rights protection applies to all executives and employees at DMC and its affi liated companies. We also require all our suppliers and business partners to protect human rights. If human rights are violated, we take prompt and appropriate action.

Fulfillment of our responsibility to protect human rights
  • DMC promotes human rights protections in accordance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights specifi ed by the United Nations. Specifi cally, we will thoroughly implement measures to prohibit discrimination, harassment, and violence based on race, nationality, gender, religion, beliefs, etc. We will prohibit forced labor (including human traffi cking) and prohibit child labor. We will provide employees with wages and benefi ts that exceed the legal wage, prevent overwork, provide appropriate holidays, and ensure a safe and healthy work environment. And we will respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, promote diversity, data security, and responsible mineral procurement.
  • DMC has established human rights due diligence processes to identify DMC business that impacts human rights and strives to reduce or prevents human rights violations. DMC continues examining the eff ects of such measures to respond to the potential or actual infl uence on and risk of human rights effi ciently.
  • In the event that DMC business activities cause a negative impact on human rights, either directly or indirectly, it shall strive to immediately remedy and rectify the issue through appropriate action.
  • DMC follows the laws and regulations of the regions where it conducts business activities. In the event that there is a contradiction among internationally adopted human rights conventions and laws and regulations in individual countries and regions, DMC strives to follow international principles of human rights protection
  • DMC provides appropriate education and enlightenment to implement this basic policy into its business activities.
  • In terms of addressing potential or actual impacts on human rights, DMC engages in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders, including employees and suppliers, who may be aff ected through our business activities.
  • DMC discloses the progress and results of its approaches to human rights protection on its website and in its reports
Code of conduct for respecting human rights
  • Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, and violence
    DMC shall respect the human rights and personality of individuals, and create a fair and unprejudiced workplace environment by eliminating all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, language, disability, social origin, wealth or ancestry.
  • Prohibition of forced labor
    DMC shall prohibit labor gained, either directly or indirectly, through human traffi cking or slavery, and forced labor. All labor must be voluntary, and DMC guarantees that no unreasonable restrictions will be placed on the movement, separation, or retirement of employees in the facilities provided by DMC. Furthermore, DMC shall not retain or confi scate workers' identifi cation cards, passports, or work permits, etc., and neither shall it deny workers their use (unless legally required to do so).
  • Prohibition of child labor
    • DMC shall respect the rights of children and prohibit the employment, either directly or indirectly, of persons younger than the minimum working age (15 years old) stipulated in international norms, or the age of completion of compulsory education stipulated by the countries and regions where we operate, or the legal minimum working age in the relevant countries and regions. Moreover, under no circumstances shall young workers under the age of 18 engage in night work, overtime work, or dangerous work that threatens the health or safety of workers.
    • In order to ensure the above, DMC shall verify the person's age using documents issued by a public institution when an employment contract is signed.
    • DMC shall conduct legitimate workplace learning programs, including internships, as long as all laws and regulations are complied with.
  • Preventing overwork and providing appropriate holidays
    • DMC shall strictly adhere to work hour regulations, not exceeding the customary working hours stipulated in the countries and regions in which we operate, providing at least one day off per week.
    • In addition, annual paid leave will be granted appropriately based on local laws and regulations.
  • Wages and benefits
    • DMC shall comply with laws regarding benefi ts, etc. stipulated in the countries and regions in which we operate, including minimum wages, overtime wages, equal pay for equal work, etc., striving to pay a living wage and providing welfare benefi ts required by law.
    • DMC shall provide timely and easy-to-understand payslip statements with suffi cient information to confi rm accurate compensation for work performed during the pay period.
  • Health and safety
    DMC shall comply with laws and regulations related to health and safety stipulated in the countries and regions where we operate, striving to create a safe, secure, and healthy working environment. This includes providing personal protective equipment needed for work and implementing health and safety management systems to maintain continuous improvement. DMC shall also integrate safety in all processes, continually provide training, and promote a strong safety culture.
  • Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    • DMC shall respect employee's freedom of association, freedom to join or not join a union, and the right to collective bargaining and peaceful assembly, in accordance with local laws and regulations
    • Moreover, DMS shall not unlawfully dismiss any employee

Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

The DMC Group has a factory in Indonesia where human rights risks are high and where many local employees work. As such, we prohibit forced labor and child labor. As well as prohibiting forced labor, both domestically and internationally, DMC secures appropriate working hours and develops a work environment based on respect for the culture in each location. In addition, we are thoroughly working to prevent child labor by requiring employees to submit an official certificate when joining the company, by always verifying their age, and by not hiring applicants under the age of 18.

Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

DMC respects the personality of individual employees and Fair and Equitable Recruitment strives to prevent discrimination or harassment. We are focusing on education, such as conducting self-checks and training on harassment, for managers and those in higher positions who especially need the right knowledge and skills to respond appropriately. In addition, since January 2021, we have been sending out monthly e-mails to all employees with lectures on our corporate philosophy and moral improvement, as well as implementing questionnaire surveys to understand in-house conditions. To improve understanding, we provided training on harassment and human rights in FY2022 in the training for new employees and managers and in the promotion of women's advancement in the workplace. In addition to raising awareness through training and other means, we are strengthening communication with employees by holding individual interviews (once every six months) and with the rollout of a whistleblowing system. And at the Shirakawa Factory, a considerate work environment has been created that respects religious customs, for example, a prayer hall with small washroom for Muslims, and a time for worship, has been arranged.

Installation of a Human Rights Reporting & Consultation Desk

DMC has established a whistleblowing desk to provide appropriate and prompt responses to reports and consultations regarding human rights to prevent the risk of violations. In June 2020, we also established an external consultation desk, which received two consultations during FY2022. When receiving a report or consultation at the whistleblowing desk, we interview related persons, check the facts, and establish a disciplinary committee if necessary to decide how to proceed. Information about whistleblowers and their reports is strictly managed based on confidentiality obligations to ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer any disadvantage.

Number of Human Rights Reports and Consultations
Scope 2021 2022
No. of reports or consultations Group 2 2
(Of which) human rights relatedrelated 0 0
(Of which) harassment related 0 2
No. of disciplinary actions due to violations 0 2
Training on Human Rights

In addition to human rights and compliance training for new employees, we conduct study sessions for management, including division managers, on our human rights policy, as well as social issues related to human rights and domestic and international trends. In FY2022, we held nine training sessions on the theme of harassment.

Training Sessions on Human Rights
Scope Unit 2021 2022
No. of sessions held Group Times 12 9
Attendance rate (%) % 100 74

Fair and Equitable Recruitment

Our policy is to recruit individuals based on their aptitude and abilities without regard to nationality, ethnicity, thinking or beliefs, religion, physical disability, gender, gender identity, or sexual preference, to provide job opportunities for a wide variety of people. In order to ensure that this policy is thoroughly implemented, the Human Resource Division has personnel who are familiar with the rules. A process is also in place to review a booklet that summarizes key points to bear in mind before interviewing any candidate. In addition, the recruitment process is published on our website and can be accessed by candidates at any time, ensuring transparency in the recruitment process. We also have systems in place to provide fair wages and benefits in consideration of human rights for employees who have joined the company.